
The total supply of $FVR is 1,000,000,000 tokens, minted one time, with the allocation spread across ten pools. The supply is distributed across multiple phases, and there will be no burning or extra minting with the purpose of $FVR to support the Fevera game as laid out.

🔵 Seed Placement

The seed placement will be distributed among the early investors in the project who bring the maximum value to the development of the project and promote external business partner relationships. The proceeds of the seed sale will be focused on ecosystem development.

🔵 Private Placement

The private placement will be distributed among the early investors in the project and strategic partners who bring the maximum value to the development of the project and promote external business partner relationships. The proceeds of the private sale will be focused on ecosystem development.

🔵 Public Placement

The public placement will be distributed among the Fevera community through several launchpads. The proceeds of the public sale will be focused on ecosystem development.

🔵 Team and Marketing Partnerships

The Fevera team allocates $FVR as a reward and incentive to sustain the game and economy. Additional marketing partnerships will be sought to help manage community building and retention.

🔵 Liquidity Pool

The primary aim will be to use this pool to improve user's access to $FVR so that they may utilise tokens within the ecosystem. Rewards may be distributed to incentivise users to provide liquidity in the pool.

🔵 Ecosystem

The Fevera team will issue rewards in the form of $FVR to players. These tokens will be issued proportionally to the overall contribution of players and released at regular intervals.

🔵 Advisory Pool

$FVR will be used to reward the project advisors for assisting the founding team at all stages of creating the Fevera ecosystem.

🔵 Treasury Pool

The company reserve will be held and set aside for interoperability between games and platforms. Treasury will also be able to unlock tokens on an ad hoc basis as voted by the DAO or the Fevera team.

All $FVR tokens will be locked on the vesting smart contract and will be distributed in accordance with the unlock schedule. The $FVR release schedule will never exceed the 1b capped supply.

Last updated