

In the near future, an independent organization 'Generic Foundation' has developed and created a program for the industrial colonization of the Asteroid Belt, with the aim of demonopolizing and resolving the resource crisis on Earth. By agreement with global financial institutions, only private individuals could obtain a license and the necessary equipment. These projects have become the gold rush of the new era, and corporations capable of maintaining space logistics are willing to sign contracts with private manufacturers.


Mid-core economic and logistics strategy in the play-to-earn format with NFT assets and a socio-political system. Players will have to set up and optimize production chains for the generation of parts and the successful completion of Supply Contracts, combining Machine Tools and ownership (rent) of Factories, as well as participate in voting for laws affecting all aspects of the game.


The ideological style of the game is built around engineering retro-futurism. It is noble to explore asteroids, it is an honor to be an engineer, and production is happiness. We rely on mechanical engineering, gears, shafts and other industrial objects with elements of science fiction, but with large strokes.

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