πŸ”·Inside Fevera

Fevera is all about managing fully automated Factories. As much as a lot of the technology will need to be rediscovered and researched, the players basically will have all the means to develop Factories and production cycles within them to their full potential. Naturally, production starts off with the most basic materials for production. As the players conduct more research and unlock more Machine Tools that can process the raw materials in a variety of ways, they will eventually be able to produce a wide variety of items that can be traded on the marketplace or used as a recourse to make yet another product.

As the players will be setting up their Factories within a limited space, planning becomes a crucial prerequisite before executing the actual layout needed for production. There may be plenty of room to work with for starters but as they research more and more, they will naturally have to make extra room for new processes and proceed with modifications. There will be opportunities to expand but just the same, every bit of space saved for future expansions and improvements matters.

As the Factories begin to manufacture a variety of products, the players will eventually have more than enough to provide for whatever is required by some quests. The most important reason to keep manufacturing various products is to ensure that the players are able to provide for the needed items in the contracts. Contracts are a source of additional income as well as data collectables needed for quests and researches.

Contracts are classified based on how long it takes to complete them. If a player leaves the game for a while, it would be better to initiate the contracts that take longer to complete. After serving several contracts under the same category, there will be a cooldown period that will delimit the actions to some extent. In such cases, the players can pursue whichever contracts are left to be accomplished.

One of the most vital aspects of Fevera relative to growth and expansion of the factories is the research. This constantly serves as a key to unlocking new Machine Tools and products in the game.

There are various ways to earn in the Fevera ecosystem and at some point, the players will begin to continuously generate income, but they need to carefully manage it as upgrades to Factories, purchasing new Machine Tools, and expanding existing ones are endeavors that cost more and more the further the players go.

With the basic Factory as the players initiate work environment, making changes to it will be a common scenario. As they set up more and more production lines within it, chances are that they will constantly need to upgrade the Factory to increase the space within it instead of purchasing another one to set up from scratch. The players will pay for upgrades but once the upgrade has finished, they will need some materials from the inventory to consume before expanding it.

At some point in the game, the players will have to run more production lines than one Factory can handle and when the time comes, they will need to set up a new Factory. The Factories can be purchased on the marketplace.

Main features

  • Free-to-play.

  • Design production lines for automated crafting.

  • Produce everything from simple items to otherworldly technology.

  • Place more Machine Tools to create increasingly complex materials.

  • Trade the produced in-game assets.

  • Upgrade your Machine Tools and Factories.

  • Maximize your earnings to buy buildings, devices, and decorations.

  • Solve Factory puzzles and share your own, etc.

Quest types

  • Gathering materials Just like in the main quests, the player is asked to get a certain amount of materials, often needed to complete the next contract or research. However, the materials needed to complete the Common Quests will not be deducted after completing the quest.

  • Research Tutorial There are also Research Tutorial Quests in this category. The player is asked to complete all research that has not yet been included in the main missions.

  • Building materials production - this type of quest requires the players to earn a certain amount of a resource per second. The main goal is to motivate the player to expand their production and use more complex builds. Almost always, as 2 requirements in the tasks is the collection of this material.

  • Upgrading the Factory There are only seven such quests (by the number of levels). In them, the player needs to increase the level of his Factory.

  • Contract Quests These types of quests require the player to complete a certain number of Contracts.

  • Collecting Collectibles These quests ask the player to find (or already have) some collectibles. Items required for the task are not deducted from the player’s warehouse.


The main part of the game is placing the Machine Tools and the Conveyor Belt in such a way as to give them optimal performance. In order to create some kind of Details, it is necessary to organize the supply of raw materials to the Machine Tool in order to receive the target item at the output, and, if necessary, ensure its further storage. The complication of the production chain through the combination of Machine Tools allows to create more and more valuable Parts. The surplus can be disposed of using special Machine Tools for raw materials or other useful substances (reputation, events, etc.).

Machine Tools

The player has at his disposal a certain number of Machine-tools, which he can place on the territory of the available Factories. Each such aggregate processes a certain type of item in some time and creates a Detail. When placing Machine-tools on the territory of the Factory, it is necessary to take into account the points of connection of Conveyor Belts, the availability of Power in it (when the network is overloaded, all the Machine-tools of the Factory will be turned off) and proximity to other Machine-tools - since each of them creates an Interference Field around itself, which does not allow placing in it another unit. Each Machine-tool has a certain margin of safety, determined by the number of items it can craft. When the strength drops to zero, the unit finally and forever fails.

Having access to the drawing and the required number of Parts, the player can instantly produce the selected Machine Tools by paying a commission. During assembly, there is a chance of obtaining a Machine Tool of an increased category (one of five), which depends on the Player's Assembly Bonuses. The increased category provides from 1 to 5 slots for Chips.

For special merits, the player can receive Chips, which also have 5 categories and can be installed in Machine Tools. This is a one-sided and irreversible process that gives the improved Machine-tool the bonuses corresponding to the Chip.

Basic Machine Tools can be installed for free and do not lose Durability. It is impossible to install Chips in such Machine Tools.


When creating a Machine Tool - the spare parts are written off from the Warehouse and the Machine Tool is added to the Warehouse. In the absence of the required number of parts, the create button is inactive. Creation is instant.

The availability of crafted Machine Tools is also determined by the Contract Phase. Unavailable items are shown in the crafting list as non-active objects.

Created machines can be sold - for this, you need to select the desired Machine Tool in the Warehouse and drag it to the special 'Sell' field at the bottom of the Warehouse screen. The cost of the sale is written on the field itself at the moment when the player selects the Machine Tool. The proceeds are immediately credited to the player's account.


To place a production chain, the player must have access to the Factories. It can be ownership or rental. Each factory has a field that determines the type of raw material produced, as well as the overall dimensions and logistics terminals. These indicators are unchanged and are an integral part.

Within the Factory itself, it is possible to improve the Power supply level, increase the performance of the Logistics Terminals and the Deposit, as well as change the Equipment level, which affects the performance and availability of auxiliary equipment, such as:

  • conveyor belts;

  • splitters;

  • consolidators;

  • warehouses, etc.

Owning a Factory imposes on the owner the obligation to pay Taxes and gives the right to vote on the Council, depending on its type and size. It is important to know that the tax is progressive, and grows with the amount of the player's holdings.

Raw material types:

  • Ore - most affordable and easy to process.

  • Crystals - difficult to process but common in production.

  • Isotopes - require special conditions for storage and processing, but extremely in demand.

With several Factories available, the player can create production chains between them using Logistic Terminals.


Manufactured parts are needed to fulfill contracts with corporations and Generic Foundation. A player can only have one contract from each of the Corporations. By accepting the contract, the player undertakes to deliver the specified Parts at the specified time using the Delivery Terminal. Partially or completely unfulfilled Contracts are considered broken and block the ability to take new ones from this Corporation for some time.

The player has a Relationship Level with each of the organizations, and as the contracts (and other actions) are completed, he receives a Reputation, certain values ​​​​of which increase the Relationship Level. On each of them, new, more profitable and requiring more complex details contracts become available to the player. For the execution of any contracts, he receives a reward and other values. Progress in the Level of relations with the Generic Foundation also opens the drawings for new Machine-tools to the player.

Contract Types

  • geberal core - low-level and quantitative contracts;

  • synthetic performance - contracts for complex parts;

  • liquid international - contracts for combined parts.

Contract Phases

The player has an information box on the screen that shows the current phase of the contract and the status of accepted parts. Delivered to the Logistics Terminal - they are automatically written off and credited to the progress of the Phase. If any of the parts is fully delivered, it goes to the 'Warehouse', and the amount of accumulated parts is shown in the Information window.

Upon reaching the goals of the Phase, there is an automatic transition to the next one and new Machine Tools are opened. Each Phase has its own set of parts that need to be supplied. If at the time of the start of a new Phase, the necessary parts were already in stock - they are instantly credited to the progress of the Phase.

Upon reaching the final stage, the game switches to a sandbox format and the player accumulates parts in the Warehouse. It's an endless process.

Reset progress - reloading the game window resets all progress.

  • Phase 0 (Blast Furnace) - Ore, Ingot

  • Phase 1 (Rod and Beam Machines): Rod, Beam

  • Phase 2 (Bolt Maker, Plate Press and Frame Assembler): Plate, Frame

  • Phase 3 (Case Assembler): Case

Global Events

Through the Laws or at fixed moments in the game, Global Events can occur that open up some additional production opportunities or launch a Global contract (an analogue of the usual one, but where all players deliver goods at the same time).

Law System


Every week in the game there is a Senate, where the Magistrate proposes several new Laws for the next week and the Senators vote. Each law affects all players and can both change the existing game rules (increased taxes, reduced food consumption, higher reward for Contracts, etc.) and add unique options (launching a new event, temporarily available Machine-tools or Part, etc.).

At the initial stage, a set of laws is determined by the developers and the Magistrate just needs to select the desired ones from the list (in the future, it is possible to make a system in which the law will be constructed from blocks of counterweights) and propose for a vote. As a rule, each law affects two or more entities in a balanced way and cannot be unambiguously good or bad.


To become a Senator, you need to own Factories, and, depending on their number and type, receive votes for the Senate. The more and better the Senator of the Factory, the more influence he has.


To become a Magistrate, you must have the maximum level of reputation with all Corporations, actively play and win elections. The electoral process is simple - every second Senate, along with the laws, Senators can cast their votes in support of one of 3 candidates automatically selected from among the most active players in the past two weeks. Activity is determined by the amount of reputation earned (total in front of all corporations).

For the duration of the rights of the Magistrate - the Senator loses all votes, but does not pay taxes.


Fevera facilitates a creator economy and marketplace of players creating and transferring value among each other which in turn results in earning opportunities.

The innovation that makes this model sustainable is rooted in the viability of the economy being tied to players’ daily active use and enjoyment of the game, rather than relying on continuous user growth to be sustainable.

Player's affinity for their Factories evolution will fuel crafting, buying, and selling in-game items, creating a flourishing economy built around a player driven marketplace.

A marketplace driven economy enables all players to be financially rewarded from gameplay. Short term earning through fungible token or a greater long term earning opportunity from the creation, use, and sale of the in-game assets. This foundation will lead to a more sustainable economic model from which the Fevera ecosystem will grow and expand with additional content as the game grows in popularity.


To rent a Factory, the owner needs to place it on the Marketplace, indicating the daily cost. After that, the Factory becomes available for rent and so far no one has rented it - the player can remove it from the Marketplace at any time. If the lease has already begun, he can leave a request to cancel the lease, after which the Tenant has 7 days to complete all his affairs at the Factory. Payment for the rent of Factories is accumulated on a special account of the owner, from which he can withdraw funds at any time or pay for the rent of other Factories.

To rent a Factory, the player only needs to choose the lot on the Marketplace that he likes in terms of price and content. After the lease - payment for the Factories is debited automatically from a special account. If the funds on this account are not enough to pay, the factory is blocked, and if within 2 days the payment has not yet passed, the unscrupulous tenant loses access to the Factory and receives penalty restrictions.

To terminate the rent - just select such an item in the Factory menu and from the next settlement day - it will return to the Marketplace. In any case, if you lose access to the Factory, all installed Machines are returned to the owner and the stored goods are disposed of without a trace.

Buying & Selling

The player can put his Machine-tools up for sale using the Marketplace interface. Each such item has a minimum cost based on the type of Workbench and its category. He can quote any price equal to or higher than this. Any lot is on sale until the moment of purchase, or until the moment when the owner decides to withdraw it from sale. In case of sale - the buyer pays a commission, in case of removal from sale - the owner pays.

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